.more about husband and me.

.can't say it enough.

.this was one of the best 
birthdays i've ever had.


.this guy treated
me like a princess
.and the day before.
.well he pretty much
does that all the time.

.my utah family
(that I am going to miss terribly)
was around for it all.

.that same family
gave me more than
i ever could have wanted.

.i showed up to this
at work.

.there are several more reasons.
.but no pictures to go along with them.

.even waking up
to the puking of all
my bday food
this morning couldn't
dampen my full heart. 

.i am beyond thankful
for all of the birthday wishes.

.now bring on the sadness. 
.i have one more day in utah.

.one more day to do everything
i thought i had to do until


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