.more about husband and me.

.no service on the farm.

.we spent christmas in north carolina
with my family at my aunt and uncle's home
with no service, or internet, and full attention for our family.

.it was fun to be around great family
and i had a shocking remembrance of my upbringing.

.my aunt's family is quite the farming crowd
and it was a fun reminder to that i too grew up surrounded by horses.

.i had forgotten that i haven't always been a city girl.

.after a wonderful dinner and a visit to my grandma and grandpa lilies
we headed back to chucktown.


.it was a warm christmas, both in temperature and in heart.
.low key and peaceful.

.i even managed to record my great grandma, evesmama, 
sharing some of her secret family recipes. 

.ps. husband tried collards. 
.shhhh don't tell anyone or they'll know he's becoming southern.
.also, he had them straight, no sauce.
.i can't even do that.

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