.more about husband and me.

.favorite app friday.

.husband did the unthinkable
he got a stinkin' droid.

.oh i know he's going
to regret it.

.but i guess atleast
we can officially give
you our favorite apps
from the iphone and the droid.

.so for me
my favorite app
for the week is

.it has saved my face a few
times when i was away
from the computer but 
needed to upload a file to
a server.

.husband's fav app
this week was his

.oh brother.

.it gives you mario
ringtones and sounds.

.i can't tell you how awesome
it is to have the sound
of mario filling the rooms
of my home.


.however i would be
lying if i didn't let you in
on a little family secret
tell you that we stayed
up for an extra half hour
the other night
listening to them
sounding out our favs.

.so there you have it.

.we hope your weekend
is fabulous and that you do
lots of funtivities with your
friends or fam, or both.

.sc has decided to grace
us with some fall weather finally
and we are excited.

.thus we have some fun plans in store.

.happy weekend friends!.

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