.more about husband and me.

.first week -- check.

.i remember what
husband looked like
after his first week
of pharmacy school.

.it is quite similar
to what i look like today.


.sunday naps make the
miller home a better place. 

.this week.

.i shot over 800 pictures.
.i attempted a ridiculous self portrait.
.i cooked, cleaned, and never
slept in later than 7am.
.i also never went to bed
before 1130.
.(which doesn't sound
that bad except for
i start work at 6am everyday).
.i read over 150 pages in
my text books.
.i watched 23 tutorials
and videos.
.i completed 9 assignments.


.i smiled.
.a lot.

.grad school is adding
to my happyness.

.and i just
 officially finished my
first week of grad school.

.holy cow.

.it was tough.

.but happy.

1 comment:

sherryandbryon said...

so glad you are loving it, jenna! i'm so excited for you... what a great opportunity. cute picture, too... you look really pretty. :)