.more about husband and me.


.it wouldn't feel right
if we didn't 
 post about the 
day that so many lost
their lives
gave up their lives
to help others.


.we have been
watching tv 
since church got out
so that we may
remember those
who gave endless service
and sacrifice.

.it has flooded
the memories in our minds.

.husband was a senior
me, well i was in eight grade.

.we both remember it
quite vivently.

.i have been shocked
over the past couple
of years to feel
like this day has been
forgotten by our 

.one year while
attending college
 it seemed
like few remembered
that it was 9/11.

.today as we marked the
tenth anniversary
we felt
 that has changed.

.a renewed since
of gratitude was 

.you can read a very
powerful article
we found here
about spritual rebuilding
after 9/11.

.may we never forget.

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