.more about husband and me.


.and we'd
love to have you
join us. 

.it starts tomorrow
sept 1.

.if you need a reading
schedule leave us
a comment with your
email address and we'll
send it to you.

.if you need a copy
of the book of mormon
go here.

.if you want to read
it or listen online
go here.

.if you are planning
to join us
leave us a comment
and let us know
so we can motivate
one another.

.we are so excited.
.it's going to be so good!.

.the more the merrier.


Katie said...

We're going to try would love a schedule amcgauley@yahoo.com.

The Copelands said...

I started in August, but my goal is to have it read by the end of the year! Yay!

Cam said...

I would love a schedule! tracycamille@gmail.com I just linked to your blog because I am friends with Abe and Lisa...very cute :)