.more about husband and me.

.happy monday. .i never thought i'd say.

.i miss utah.

.the snowman in utah my little
nieces and nephews made for me.

.well i take that back.
.maybe i just miss the people in utah.

.like husband.
.and husband's family.
.and the people at my jobs.
.and my best friends.
.lets not forget them.

.but do you remember
when i thought i wouldn't miss

.that seems funny now.

.i'm thinkin' it will be
different once husband gets here.

.i'm hopin'.

.maybe i'm not in love
with change as much as
i thought i was.

.and maybe that will
change when it's june
and i'm on the beach
and it's still snowin' in utah.

.how do i fight being wrong?.

.you darn right.


.just kidding.
.no really.

.it'll all get
better soon.

.see optimistic, am i.

.happy monday friends.
.no seriously.
.happy monday.


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