.this past week has been nuts.
.and when i say nuts.
.i mean it.
.husband and me
found the perfect apartment
last week.
.that actually turned
out to be not so perfect.
.if you are moving to the charleston
area ever --
seriously email us
before you move.
.because you don't want
to make the same mistake.
.trust us.
.but with that said.
.we have a wonderful place now.
.just wonderful.
.couldn't ask for better.
.but now for the soap box.
.this deserves a few notches.
.i can't tell you
how much lately we've
felt like our blog
needs a little spice.
.and that spice is
a little more reality.
.in reality life is not perfect.
.i mean seriously if
your life is perfect
raise your hand.
.that's what we thought.
.this blog was made for three reasons.
.in no particular order.
.1. .i love writing and love sharing it with you.
.2. .journals for our future children.
.3. .our family and close friends
who we don't often see.
.and anything else
that this blog does
or includes
is just extra.
.no offense.
.we were thinkin' do
we really want our children
to think we've never had trials?.
.and that they shouldn't
experience any
because we never did.
.absolutely not.
.so yes.
.while our love story
is just that love.
.while we are
optimistic and positive people.
.while we don't
want to air all of our
dirty laundry.
.love and life
are not always perfect.
.and thus neither should this
blog be.
.so here's to reality.
.the good stuff.
.the bad stuff.
.the pretty.
.the ugly.
.the real stuff.
.because who doesn't
love reality?.
.here's to
our love story.
.after a rough week.
.what could possibly be better than
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