.more about husband and me.

.saying goodbye. .for now.

.today is the 
last day
husband and me
get to spend together
for a long time.

.husband is coming
for a visit 
in a few short 
weeks to help me 
find an apartment
in charleston.

.but after that 
it's going to
be one heck of 
a lonely time.

.and just to dispell
any rumors that
are a flaring.

.we are so great.
.so happy.

.probably the 
happiest we have
ever been.

.so i'm not leavin' him.
.or any other nonsense
that can be stormed up.

.one of the 
main things 
i love about husband
so much.
.and i think he loves
about me so much.

.is that he (we)
understands the
of sacrificing now
for a better future.

.and taking this job
will definitely be better
for our future
in a few months.

.but because 
our time is short
i'm going to cut
it right here.

.go squeeze your loves
for me.

.because in the mornin'
we'll experience 
our last squeeze
for a bit.


1 comment:

Jenni and Mitch Miller said...

I'm sorry you and your hubby will be apart! My husband and I are apart for the summer and it sucks!! I feel your pain. Hang in there. Sacrifice brings forth the blessings of heaven! :) ps, love your blog.