.more about husband and me.

.roy loves husband.

.roy's toy.

.so little roy
has this 
favorite toy.

.for the longest time
roy has treated this
toy similar to the way 
he treats

.he snuggles with this toy.
.he sleeps with this toy.
.he puts this toy in his food and water.
.he wants to be with this toy
all the time.

.he constantly lays
his toy on husband's pillow.

.not in a lets play fetch
but in a this toy is 
part of our family too.

.it has taken me
forever to figure out
why this toy means
so much to roy.

.and a few days ago
i think i realized.

.roy totally thinks this toy is

.it's the glasses.


.love that pup.

.nighty night.


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