.more about husband and me.

.happy monday..husband is a nerd.

.but atleast
he is a 
cute science nerd.

.husband had a blast
in charleston
this past weekend.

.he thinks he had
a great interview.

.on a side note.

.was there something
i was supposed to
share with you guys?.

.oh yeah.

.husband got into
pharmacy school.

.no big deal.

.we found out on

.we are thrilled.

.we could be 
north carolina
.but we won't
know for a bit
while we try to
and wait to hear
from a few others.

we decided
to cancel his 

.i'm a little sad
about it
but i think we 
made the right choice.
.it's really real.

.my husband's going
to be a pharmacist.

.see i told you
he's a
cute science nerd.

.happy monday!.


1 comment:

Jessie said...

Good to hear he got in pharmacy school. Congratulations :)