.more about husband and me.


.who can
guess what
this is about?.

.yeah that's
right i order the
same thing every
time i go.

.so much so
that i have it 

.steak burrito.
.black beans.
.yes cheese.
.yes enchilada.
.with a side of house dressing.

.oh man what
am i going to do
when we move to 
a state that doesn't
have my precious
cafe rio.

.i just don't know.

.savoring it up
.and for the next
6 months.

.how do you take yours?.


1 comment:

Abe and Lisa said...

My husband and I always get the same thing and we share it. Love the Cafe Rio!!!!!!!

Our order:
Pork salad, shredded lettuce, half black half pinto, yes to rice, lots of pico de gallo, yes to chips, cheese and guac. House dressing please! Sometimes we say hold the cilantro.