.the man i love.
.three years ago today
i surprised husband
with a countdown the
12 days of marriage
.since that was
before we started this
blog i wanted to
share our experience.
.on the twelth day
before marriage
i surprised him
.an ansel adams
wall 12 month calendar.
.his favorite photographer.
.top secret story.
.the night before i started
the 12-dom it had
snowed furiously.
.everything was iced over
and in the drive way
on the way inside
to surprise my love
i slipped and fell
straight on my behind.
.i'm talking movie scene fall.
.box in the air.
.calendar flying.
.hurt so bad you cry.
.good thing he was so
happy and surprised
i forgot about it.
.so there you have it.
.a tss about my one
and only ice slip.
.happy weekend friends.
.hope your sat
was, is, will be,

1 comment:
happy three year! our two year is tomorrow. Time flies!
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