.more about husband and me.

Sleepless in Seattle

Well... actually I have been
Sleepless in NYC.

I have no idea why but I am having
the hardest time sleeping.

A general scenario goes like this

  • Go to bed between 10 and 11 pm
  • Try to sleep....
  • Try harder to sleep...
  • Finally get to sleep around 4 am
  • Wake up around 6 am or so
  • Get back to sleep around 7:30 am or so
  • Wake up around 8:30 or 9 am 
  • Start my day
I have to get some better sleep soon.

I think it has something to do with the fact that my pillow
is not as comforting as Jordie's arms.

I get to see him in exactly 4 weeks. 


the end.

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