.more about husband and me.

A Monsoon Memory

A digusting picture of the monsoon outside.

About a week ago it was a monsoon outside in NYC...
and it reminded me of another time in NYC.

It was the day before I got baptized and 
I was on my way to my last discussion.
Suddenly, it started raining like I
 had never seen it rain before. 

Oh the memories this enchanting 
city brings back.

I miss Beckers and Mare!
And the sisters too. 

But mostly, I miss my honey.
I want to bring him here and 
show him where it all begin
for me and this beautiful gospel
that lead me to him.

My shirt. I was completely drenched in the front but not the back.

Ps. I do have pictures from the first flood but they 
are not in digital form. Bummer.

the end.

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