.more about husband and me.

.with gratitude.

.we have so much
to be grateful for -- even
though life may seem a little
taxing right now.

.we are grateful that we
feel the love of the savior
in our life on a daily basis.

.we are grateful for those
moments when we are able to
cuddle together after a bustling day.

.we are grateful to be in charleston
out on our own for a bit
to develop our family more
and where the city is so near for me
but the suburb is still here for husband.

.we are grateful to finally be
in pharmacy school and feel some
sort of direction in our life.

.we are grateful to be closer
to my family and for skype, phone, etc
to still maintain great contact with husband's.

.we are grateful to have our
little roy who keeps the humor
more at the front of our lives.

.we are grateful to have employment
even if it is a killer most days
because of our busyness.

.we are grateful that we still
make each other laugh because 
we need comic relief right now to
get through the daily hurricane
that is our house.

.we are grateful that we get
to travel together frequently.

.we are grateful for our friends
and the light they bring
into our lives.

.we are grateful that we have
been given talents and are now
being given the opportunity
to develop those talents.

.we are grateful for the weather
even if we will have a green
christmas and not a white one.

.we are grateful to live close
to the beach but yet have a valid excuse
 to visit the greatest snow on earth.

.we are grateful to get to be with
and do what we love.

.what are you grateful for friends?.

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