.more about husband and me.

.to pitt and back in 48 hours.

.this past weekend
we went up to dc to
visit our friends
the mack's
and then over to pitt for 
the utah game.

.the drive from
dc to pitt
was so colorful
and beautiful.

.it was so nice to get away
but the trip was far 
too quick.

.while we there
we got to see old friends,
ride in a car that
had a crazy speedometer,
get lost a few times,
sit on the fourth row
at the football game,
and shake hands
with the players.

.we definitely loved
being at an away game.

.here's a little 
ditty we made 
from the horrible
 pics and vids
we got on our

.they wouldn't let
us in with our
real cameras.

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