.more about husband and me.

.roy's ruff drafts: bum bum bum.

.hi fwiendlies.

.mom saidz
shes sowwy she
missed youz yesterday
but she was sicks
and harry potters kept
her upz too late.

.i dwidn't get to
goz and thwat
was lame.

.hows wlifes beens?.

.i hurted my bum
but nows its
fweeling all betters.

.i sure do not wikes
the vet though.

.shes the wurstz.

.i hwad to show herz
who was boss
so i pweed all
over herz.

.i bet she wontz
twy to scare mez


.i hweard my
moms showed youz
that stwoopid
neckwace she made me.

.how embwarrasing.

.man evweryone around
ourz house has 
bween sickly
this last week.

.moms was sick fwrom the heats.
.dads had bwack pwoblems.
.and mez wid my bum.

.this weekend
we pwlan to relrax
a wot.

.hwappy weekendz

.see youz nwext time.

.ruff ruff.
.waggle waggle.
.ruv ruv.

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