.more about husband and me.

.double up.

.we wanted to share
the engagement
story since today
was the day
we got engaged
4 years ago.

.it's amazing how
time flies
when you find
the one forever.

.to share this
story it only makes
sense to share
the first section
which happened
a year earlier
while husband was
still on his mission
in brazil.

.pardon the old quality.

.so it was only
because my husband
knows me too well
that he propose
on that same day
a year later.

.he dressed it up
as a day we could
celebrate my one year
for being baptized.

.we got dressed up
he took me to
a fancy restaurant,
on a carriage ride,
he talked an
awful lot about science.


.we had a toast
a promise.

.there are quite a
few words i remember
because i was in shock
there are
quite a few words
i don't.

.the few that i
do remember will
always be ours
hidden in our journals
for our children
to someday
 do with what
they will.

.it sounds like such
a simple proposal
when i lay it out
in word form
but what you 
may not have gathered
is that i am a
rather simple girl.

.husband knows
me so well
knew what mattered
most to me.

.and he nailed it.

.i thought it was
sweet that he went 
out of his way
to propose in a manner
that reflected us as
a couple and not just
in a way that would
make a great story.
.not that there
is anything wrong
with that.

.and i apologize
for what i'm
about to do.

.but the one thing
i will always brag on
is my ring.

.husband designed
the ring.

.he put more
thought into that
ring than i've
ever seen him
do anything.

.and i adore it.

.when i think
about my life before
july 29th became
such a significant
day for me each year.

.i picture a much
different ending.

.this is not where
i planned to be in 
july of 2011.

.it was all very
different in my 
dream land
before 2006.

.but now that i'm
here i wouldn't have
it any other way.

.i dream very differently
than i used to.

.and my dreams
include the gospel
of course they

.i am happier
than i ever could
have possibly imagined.

.i am grateful
i couldn't see god's
plan for me
in my earlier life
i might have
been too stubborn
to let it take
me along a this path.

.oh july 29th.

.you are too good
to me.

.that is why you
are always one
of my favorites.

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