.more about husband and me.

.why are they like that. .week two.

.pc. .abc.

.two words
for two weeks.

.1 - ben c - who's that?.
.2 - ben f - nice hair.
.3 - ames - lash curler.
.4 - constantine - southern charmer.
.5 - jp - googly-eyed teen.
.6 - jeff - scar face.
.7 - bentley - fake lamer.
.8- blake - compulsively overachieving.
.9 - chris d - euro looking.
.10 - lucas - kick off.
.11 - matt - insecure child
.12 - ryan p - metro.
.13 - stephen - pretty boy.
.14 - west - obsessive friendly.
.15 - mickey - growing greatly.
.16 - nick - slim shady.
.17 - ryan m - interesting choice.
.18 - william - secret manupulator. 

.few comments.

.everytime i watch an
episode i can't 
believe the things 
bentley is saying.
.please have a secret twist.

.ashley is not a dancer.

.can someone tell me why
everybody has
the worst sob story.
.the producers are trying
to make us watch
because we feel bad
for the guys.

.all of the guys are still either
really insecure
obsessed with themselves.


.can't wait for next
week and to see
if this whole bentley
stuff is just bananas.


1 comment:

The Copelands said...

I can't stand Bentley!! Just kick him off already! She said she can tell the fakers...yeah right. Bentley would have been long gone!

P.S. I'm excited for you and Jordan to finally reunite tomorrow! Happy day!