.more about husband and me.

.roy's ruff drafts: owiginal southerner.

.dear fwiends.

.howz are youz?.

.i dwon't know if
youz know thwis or nots
but i'm an owiginal southerner.

.i was bworn where
evewythings is biggers.

.excwept for me
of cwourse.

.daddy is finawwy home.

.i fink he's missing
the mwountains
a wittle bit.

.i dwon't weally

.i mean those thwings
are bigs

.and then of cwourse
theres that fweezing
white stuffs on thems
that mwakes me
shake, and shake.
.and shake.


.i gwess i just
don't understands
because i wike the south
and the heat.

.but mwaybe
he's mwissing the 
kiddies too.

.i miss them too.

.i wike to chase them
around and out rwun them.

.the nicest thwings about 
having daddy home
is that i get to sweep in longer
thens i have someone
to pway with while
mommy is at works.

.anyhoos i jwust
wanted to stop in
say hi's.

.so hi's.

.lrots of ruv.

.ruff ruff ruff.

.ruffy ruv,



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