.more about husband and me.

.grumpy grumps.

.one of our new friends,

.to be honest
relearning life with
a spouse hasn't
been the easiest thus far
for husband and me.

.i wake up far too early,
he's bored all day
while i'm gone,
because he hasn't been
lucky in the job hunt yet.

.then i get home
and want my nap but
he has missed me
and wants to hang.

.thus we are grumpy.
.and sometimes 
very grumpy.

.but lucky for us
we have some new friends.

.who makes us not
so grumpy.

.and entertain
husband when i can't
due to work
or napping.


.so in other words.

.we're getting the
grumps worked out.

.and relearning life
with 10 pm bed times
4 am wake up times.

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