.more about husband and me.

.different time zones. .day seventy-five. .the last day.

.driving to us.


.some creature dug up
all of our flowers last night.


.technically we aren't even
in different time zones

.i can't believe
it's finally here.

.it's june
not march
and we are so 
close i was tempted
to drive up to greenville, sc
last night.

.we've had so much
fun doing this
because the idea
of sharing our differences
worlds with you
everyday is beautiful
but i'm
glad to see it end.

.hopefully we
will never do this again.

.in fact.

.if we say we are going
to do this again.
.please leave us a nice long 
comment below the post
and remind us
of how ridiculous
this was. 

.thanks for taking
our journey through
seventy five days
with us. 

.here's to a new journey.


1 comment:

The Copelands said...

if you ever need a place to stay in Greenville, my parents have spare rooms in their house!