.more about husband and me.

.roy's ruff drafts: twoubles.

.hi fwriends!.

.todays i wauz 
so twuckered out fwrom
cweating all kwinds
of mischiefs
so i decwided mom's
shwoulder was the
best pwace to take
a nap.

.mom sayz i'm
in all kwinds of 
twoubles for the things
i've been doing wately.

.she also sayz dad
is going to get
me when hwe getz here
if i don't stwops.

.uh ohhs.

.i decwided it would 
be bwest if i jwust
went ahead
told youz all
 the bwad things i've
been doing.

.for stwarters
i dug thwough all
of her cwean laundrys piles
and made myself
a doggie fwort.

.i don't see the big deals.
.it's awesome youz should see it
you cwant even tell i'm in thwere
becwause its jwust one pile now.

.i also mwight have eaten
a bwag of fwuit snacks
and cwrackers.

.pweeple food is amwazing.
.why can't i'z have any again?.

.then thweres the dwucks.
.so i may have chwased them
and twied to scares them
and now they keep cwoming
back to vwisit.

.whats can i says?.
.i ruvs when they start fwapping
those thwings so fast
and then they fwly aways.

.am i thwat scwary anyway?.

.uh ohh.

.i can see the wook
on mom's face rwight nows
and i'm stwarting to get
a wittle scared.

.so i fink i'll
go wiggle my tails
at hers befwore 
she gets rweads too much.

.don't tell hers i twold
youz this but i fink
i can get whatever i want
when i do that.
.she wikes that.
.i think it's becwause
she finks i don't know
bwetter when i do thats.

.dad if your rweading this
don't be mwad 
at my twouble okay.

.mom mwisses you
a wot and her
crwying is rwidiculous.

.it even happens during
fwunny movies rwight now
nwot just ruv stwories
and swad stories.

.oh brothers.

.i dwon't know how
you dwealt with 
the harmones by ywourself
befores i came awong.

.jwust kidding, i do.

.lrots of ruv fwiends.

.ruff, ruff.

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