.more about husband and me.

.happy monday. .perspective.

.happy monday friends!.

.or is it a happy monday.

.i've been round and round
all day feeding off
of the comments i've
seen, heard, and made.

.feeding off of
our own feelings.

.husband and me
have talked it over
and over
and over.

.and this is me
giving you 
my (our) perspective
on the death of
osama bin laden.

.the perspective
of a married,
young twenty-something,
who not only is lds,
but converted to the
lds faith at the age of 18,
and spent my life
up until that point 
apart of the methodist religion.

.much speculation
has been made as to 
whether it is okay to feel
that the death of obl
is justified,
is okay,
is right,
is something we should
be rejoicing about.

.and to be honest.
.i can't answer
these questions.

.but i can say
that in my heart of hearts
i believe 
that while i will
not wish the death
of any man
good, bad, ugly, pretty.

.this is something
i do believe
could be justified.

.and this is why.

.picture this scenario.

.a husband and wife
are sitting at home
watching a movie
with their kiddos.

.all of the sudden a guy
breaks in 
and grabs one 
of the children.

.would the couple stand there
and do nothing?.

.would you stand there
and do nothing?.

.i'm going to say
that 95% of us would
not just stand
and let it happen.
.and i think that's 
being generous to
say 5% would.

.i'm guessing husband
would do all he could
to stop it.
.that's just me guessing.
.but i know him
all to well.

.we have been told
that if osl could
get his hands on
any american he would
do a lot worse than
just grab one of our children.

.and we have not only
been told but we have 
seen it in action.

.and that is why
i say it could
be justified.


.after feeling this way
i started to think
about reason's why
people would think
it wouldn't be justified,
as i have seen in these comments.

.growing up in
another faith
i know that several christians
and christian faiths
 believe that
osl could have never
gone "to heaven" anyway
because he was not a follower
of the savior nor had he ever been 'saved'.

.so i then wondered
if that is the belief then
why would it matter
if he died or not?.

.this is a question
i still have.

.however in my opinion
 i believe that
someone who never had
the opportunity to be
quote, unquote, 'saved',
would never be held
accountable for
something that was our
of their control.

.in all things
we have our agency,
our own choice,
to go down one path
or another.

.but occasionally,
it is so that someone
else makes those
choices for us.

.now am i saying
that osl as a murderer
will go to 'heaven'.

.now am i saying
that osl as a murderer
will go to 'hell'.

.i, nor (do i think), you,
can make that choice.


.i've been looking
all day for some kind
of statement
from our faith
thus far absolutely
nothing has come of it.

.which leads me
to believe that
there is no answer
thus far.

.and so for now
(until we receive
other information)
we'll just say.

.it could be justified.
.but we can't make that call.
.and for now we
shall wait and watch
the repercussions
or benefits
come forth.


.it is monday.
.and in
husband and me
tradition we
are going to say.

.happy monday!.

.to bring on
a good week

.this is no way
is meant to start
a religious war
and honestly is
not the topic of this post.

.so if you leave a comment
please play nice.


1 comment:

meagan said...

This is a wonderful, thoughtful post.

While I personally feel no regret that OBL is dead, I also have struggled with the images of people dancing in the streets over this event.

In the best-case scenario, he would have been captured alive and put on trial for his actions where I have no doubt the end result would have been the same. That he did not have to answer for his crimes in a public area is regrettable, but to a certain extent I believe justice has been done.

I don't think an official statement from the Church will come, or is even necessary as we are all entitled to our own opinions, but I personally have found my answers in 1 Nephi 4:13 and the 12th Article of Faith.

OBL did not keep the laws of his faith or his country, and his death means that a "nation" of terrorists who are also not keeping the laws of their land are deprived of a public figurehead for their cause. I believe this will save innocent lives on both sides of this conflict and is thus worth the price.