.more about husband and me.

.finally friday.

.it's been a hard week.

.for husband.
.and for me.

.we feel like this.

.this picture was taken
on a silly night
of homemade photobooth
when we first started
at the u in 2008.

.it is crazy to think
how far we've come
since then.

.husband is currently
 taking his
last two undergrad
finals at the u
as i type this.

.and after that
everything will change
some more
for the both of us.

.i know how
excited he is to
start pharmacy school.

.it is something
he has been working
for since we met.

.but over the past
few days i've been
able to hear not only
the stress in his voice from finals
but also
the reality in his voice.

.i hope that's
why he has been
so grumpy.

.we are really 
all done
at the u.
.atleast for now.

.and even though
chucktown is new
and it is going to be
an amazing experience for us.

.we are utes.
.we bleed ute red.
.and more than just
because of sports
that university
is ours
it holds a special place
for the development
of our married life.

.we are definitely going
to miss being
in the heart of it all
it will be hard
in the fall.

.but for now we will
be in the south
making new traditions
and continuing
with the old.


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