.more about husband and me.

.one week.

Army Wives: The Complete First Season

.it has already been
one week apart
husband and me.

.i always like
to find ways
to relate to something
whenever i need a boost
or pick me up
of some sort.

.whether it be 
a song,
a book, 
a movie,
you name it.

.since i arrived
i have been watching 
my mom's obsession
army wives.

.for the most part
it is a good clean
series about the lives
of the wives
whose men serve
in the military.

.it has been interesting to see
wives going through
similar things that
i am experiencing right now.

.of course they
have it way worse
than i do.

.they have to worry
about whether their
husband's are coming home alive.

.they only get to talk 
to them on a rare occasion
and don't get to know
hardly anything about 
what they are doing
or where they are.

.it's also great
to watch a show
where the women are 
enjoying and supporting
 the roles
of being a wife
and mother.

where marriage is still

.i would suggest this
series to anyone who loves
good tv.

.and of course
to anyone like me
who is missing there sweetie.

.one more week
we will reunite.


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