.husband likes to ruin pretty much every picture
i take these days. .just to be funny of course.
.only it's not. .well i guess it kind of is.
.i would be lying
to myself.
.if i thought that
where i am currently
at in my life is wrong.
.i mentioned yesterday
that inspired
took on a whole new level.
.one of those
great friends
great friends
knew exactly what
i needed to hear.
.it's as though she
wrote just to
speak directly to me.
.but even more than that
i learned that i am
not alone.
.we are friends for
a reason because
we have things in common.
.things we love.
.things we've had to sacrifice.
.i won't speak
specifics on her writings
because i don't know
that she would want
me to broadcast her like that.
.but just know
that at one point
in time we both had
very different ideas of what
we would be doing now.
.i see some of my old
dance friends
on tv, in big name companies,
choreographing and teaching
around the country, etc.
.that could have been me.
.could be me.
.though i get to dip
into this talent a lot.
.it's nothing like
i thought it would be.
.and sometimes if i'm not
careful i think that's
where i want to be.
.but let me tell you.
.more than ever before.
.i know.
.i am where i belong.
.i heart musc shirts
that we got for valentines.
specifics on her writings
because i don't know
that she would want
me to broadcast her like that.
.but just know
that at one point
in time we both had
very different ideas of what
we would be doing now.
.i see some of my old
dance friends
on tv, in big name companies,
choreographing and teaching
around the country, etc.
.that could have been me.
.could be me.
.though i get to dip
into this talent a lot.
.it's nothing like
i thought it would be.
.and sometimes if i'm not
careful i think that's
where i want to be.
.but let me tell you.
.i would be lying
to myself
and to you.
.if i told you that
where i am currently
at in my life is wrong.
.more than ever before.
.i know.
.i am where i belong.
.i heart musc shirts
that we got for valentines.

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