.more about husband and me.

.why i love husband #3.

.he's an amazing friend.

.mission reunion april 10.
.nate's wedding. .pc. .ashley hirst.
.cali nov 09.

.husband always
goes out of
his way to be 
a great friend.

.whether it's 
driving nine hours
or flying 
across the country.

.if his friends need him
you can bet 
he will be there.

.and of course.

.he's my best friend.

.that friend i can
always count on.

.that friend that
whenever we are
disagreeing it puts 
knots of worry 
in my stomach.

.that friend that
i have more than genuine
concern and longing
for well-being
and happiness.

.that friend that
no matter how much
we disagree our
relationship will
always exist.

.that friend that
i want to tell

.i love husband.


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