.more about husband and me.

.happy monday. .we celebrated early.

.if you remember from

.we always 
have brazilian food
on valentines.

.we love it.

.and it is the one
time a year
we splurge and stuff
on purpose.

.we recommend
brazilan restaurants
for valentines.

.they go well 
out of their
way to make it

.at the end they
even bring out
chocolate covered strawberries.

.but then you know.

.i'm highly allergic to
and they're my favorite
i've snuck a few times
and ended up huge and in the er
with an epi pen
so i only get to watch
husband devour them
in pure happiness.

.but i'm glad
he likes them so much.
.or jealous.

.either way.

.happy valentines friends!.


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