.more about husband and me.

.thank goodness its fridayyy.

.what is this?.

.this week has been

.rougherer than
we've experienced
in quite a long while.

.i've been sick
and i hurt my back.

.husband is just
in a
grump slump.

.i personally think
that has a lot 
to do with
him not wanting
to go back to school
on monday.

.if you are wondering
what the picture is of.

.it's our
mirror love notes.

.we used to write them
a lot more often
but i thought
i'd bust some out
for husband to 
come home to tonight.

.here's hoping for
a great weekend
and a refreshed new week.

.happy weekend!.


1 comment:

Abe and Lisa said...

You're so great Jenna! And I love the mirror messages. Abe and I do that too. Maybe I should post our notes :)I'll be thinking of you and husband while he is doing his interviews. Good luck you two!