.more about husband and me.


.maybe tomorrow.

.new years eve with friends and pirates.
.husband boarding his day away. 

.it's still hard to
believe that today
started another new year.

.a year full of uncertainty
at this point.


.to be honest
like to try to 
resolve to be better
and do things better daily.

.but with a new year ahead
we always feel an extra umph
to fulfill those resolves.


.i feel like we say this every year
but things will be changing 
drastically this year.

.it's likely we will be.

.moving this year.
.starting pharmacy school this year.
.opening up a business this year.
.starting lots of debt this year.
.seeing more of both our families this year.
.pursuing our dreams more this year.
.getting busier than ever this year.
.adding another pup to our family this year.
.smiling more this year.
.getting new jobs this year.
.meeting new friends this year.
.and growing older this year.

.i'm definitely excited 
to see where 
this year
takes us.

.what we'll learn.
.how we'll grow.
.when we'll change.
.where we'll go.
.who we'll meet.

.2011 we're excited to get more acquainted
with you.
.we hope we'll get along well.
.and treat each other nicely.


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