.heart attack.
.have you guys ever
thought you had
gotten over something
only to find out much
later you were
never really over it.
.and not only were
you not over it
but you
had pretended to
put this something
far out of your memory
and pretend it never happened.
.this happened to me
yesterday and when
it hit.
.it hit hard.
.i sobbed for a good
hour or so.
.but now i can officially say.
.it is over.
.i am over it.
.i have let it go.
.and it feels a lot better.
.over the years i have
learned to pick my battles.
.but yesterday i learned
that sometimes letting
something slide may hurt worse.
.so now i know
i need to pick
my battles better.

1 comment:
Yeah, girl, I hear you BIG TIME. Letting go can be tough business. You got any tips, send 'em my way!
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