.more about husband and me.

.i don't say it enough.

.downer's grove. .midwestern.
.husband with a smug. .roy in the snow.

.we made it through
our first night ever
alone in our place
without husband.

.roy and i.
.snuggled. .slept.
.watched disney.
.ate candy
and dog treats.

.it was dreadful.

.today i learned that
husband does a lot
very quietly
often without 
a thank you.

.he wipes the snow
off the car in the morning.
.he takes out roy.
.he heats up the car so it's 
warm when i get in.

.needless to say
i need husband
around everyday.

.and even though
i absolutely hated
sleeping in the middle of
the bed and tossing 
and turning last night.

.i was glad for the little
reminder of what
a lucky girl i am
to have such a great man 
in my life.

.have you told yours lately
that you love them?.

.husband thinks his
interview went
really well.
.thanks for your
thoughts friends.



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