.more about husband and me.

.christmas in a week. .gingerbread.

are celebrating
christmas in a week
bc up until this
point we haven't 
been able to.

.to start it off.

.last night
we got together
with our fav
little babes and
made gingerbread 
graham cracker houses.
.the gingerbread 
wouldn't stay together.

.we had a lot of fun.
.even roy had fun.
.and to my memories
this was my first experience.
.i think it will
always be a 
from here on out.

.the babes thought
my house looked
like a church
and they thought
husband's house
was the best.
.until it died.
.see last photo on right.

.hope your 
christmas week
is going grand.

.doing anything fun?.


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