.more about husband and me.

.12 days of marriage. .day 1.

.always showing it off.

.the night before we
got married i gave 
the watch you
see pictured above.

.and he has
warn it 
practically every
day since.

.that must mean
i did pretty good.

.which is rare
because husband
is picky.


.the night before
marriage was
a great night
spent with
family at 
what i thought 
was a wonderful

.however three 
members in our families
got food poisoning.
.thankfully we were
not two of them.


.on this night before
our anniversary
husband is studying 
himself to crazy
at the library
and i am at home
hanging out
with roysef.

.i can't wait for
thursday to be
over so i can
get husband all
to myself.


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