.more about husband and me.

.casting announcement.

I received this email earlier
and wanted to pass it on
for those of you who
are interested or know someone
who might be interested.

We are looking for children, ages 3-8, to participate in a prototype called "Kids on Family History".

Please pass this on to anyone you know who fits this profile!
Who: Children 3-8 years old.
Where: LDS Motion Picture Studio in Provo
When: Tuesday, November 23. This is an invited audition only! You will be contacted should the producers choose to audition your child in person.
Rate: This is non-paid.

(Applications must be received ASAP -- no later than Thursday, November 18th, at Noon)

1. Send current photographs of your child to avdcasting@ldschurch.org, subject line "Kids on Family History Protoype". Photos should have been taken within the last 3 months. Before attaching your photos, please save them as "yourchild'sname.jpg".

Thank you for your help in forwarding the work!


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