.more about husband and me.

Missed out

Sometimes I feel that
because I missed out on life 
in the church
before I joined at 18
that I am wayyyyy behind.

I didn't get to sing Primary songs
or learn scripture mastery.

I didn't get to complete 
my young women's medallion
or write Jordie on his mission.

I feel so far behind and
like I may never catch up.

I actually LIKE
to watch 
The R.M.
The Best Two Years.

So while I may be
far behind
not know as much 
about the gospel
as the children in primary...

I am just going to
keep trucking a long
be thankful for 
what I have learned 
what I do know.

Ps. Anyone who likes to watch
the 'peculiar' church
movies is welcome to come
and hang out with the Millers.

the end.

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