Every week at my job
I am around
dancers and dance moms.
So far I've learned that there are
a few different types
of moms that come to our table,
or dads sometimes too, I guess.
I've noticed how much a child
can learn from the example
of their parents in a way
I had never noticed it before.
If a parent comes up to the table
and is extremely negative
than their children began to
feed off of that energy and become
quite negative as well.
If a parent comes to the table
and is just so optimistic
and positive their child
radiates that positivity.
From just interacting with the children
you can see how happy they are
and how they are affected by
their parents' interactions with things
and by their parents' examples.
You can tell if a parent
has more than one child
the older one has usually already
adapted to the example set for them
but for the little ones
it is obvious that their is more hope
for optimism to be apart of their lives.
I know that I have yet to have children
and so I know nothing of how
difficult it is so I am reluctant to ever
criticize a parent.
I am grateful to be able
to learn things like this
and have the opportunity to learn
what I want to be
for my children.
And after this past weekend
I now know
that I want to be
the end.
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