.more about husband and me.


I got to spend the weekend 
at home here in SLC.

It was/still is beautiful.


Did lots of homework.
Hung out with the Killerpacks.
Had a reinactment of our first double.
Watched some Nacho Libre.
Ate awesome food.
Cheered for the Jazz. (That's new.)
Laughed. A lot.
Prepped for teaching.
Played with our little chancho Roy.
Soaked up what will probably be a rare occasion.
Made some good cheese dip.
Pretended like we could sleep in. (It beats 5 am. on my normal weekend.)
And wondered what kind of tribal dance our neighbors upstairs were doing.

Such a good weekend with my love.

November 2009 - Cali.

the end


Becca said...

aww, love it. wish i could have joined in. i miss you.

mare said...

cute killerpacks. and cute pic. good reinactment.