.more about husband and me.

Celestial bound?

So the other day
@ the Desnews...
(my work)

We were talkin' up the sports
--as usual.

Out of no where
comes up.

It being rivalry week...
you know
BYU v. Utah
Utah v. BYU

But anyhoo...
being that you really can't knock
a 7 nat'l championship
b-ball team as
so awesomely is...

this guy
(whom we shall call
--he who must not be named--
like Voldemort)
who had no comebacks 
just blurts out...
out of no where
I might add.
"Well I don't think Roy Williams is celestial material, so?"

Are you kidding me?

To which I responded...
"Well neither are my parents right now but I still love them."


I mean seriously.
Why are we constantly putting down others to make ourselves feel justified?

I probably responded a little
harshly because he quickly turned around 
and left the third floor.

I apologize.

  But I'm just not convinced
that we are the ones who get to decide 
who enters which kingdom.

My bad.

The end. 

1 comment:

Aynna banahna said...

Good for you! That has nothing to do with sports. And I'm sure some of the BYU players aren't LDS. Sounds like my brother-in-law